Yasmina Reality

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Happy New Year 2016

Happy New Year 2016

By on December 29, 2015 in personal stories, social issues

As 2015 comes to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on this past year. Personally- there are many blessings I thank Allah subhannah wa ta Allah for including the health and happiness of my children and husband, the blessing of having extended family and friends and even the critters in my life which includes a new addition to our family in the feline department. I am grateful once again for Allah answering my dua a few years ago of surrounding me with believing friends. I ask this same dua again- that I am surrounded only by those who fear Allah and want to work in His way. I want to surround myself with people that believe in themselves and that believe in me – and that have an optimistic attitude about the world around them. Even in my dark days- I’m a forever optimist.


Wilson, our 2 year old cat with our new addition, 6 month old Charlie. Everyone needs a partner in life. 🙂

When you are truly a Muslim in your heart, you know that this world is fleeting. It’s a test. So even the darkest days have sparkles of light because you know that Allah is rewarding you for any pains you suffer in this dunya.  Struggle is a greater way to spend this worldy life than in fickle luxury.

I’m not happy about the extreme uptick of Islamophobia taking place in the world and particularly in my country of the United States. This is due to the Islamophobia industry’s relentless attack against Islam and the presidential election that features some candidates that belong in a loony bin.  But again – in the end- I believe that a life of struggle is better. I feel pity for Islamophobes who go out of their way to defame my faith and my brothers and sisters. In the end, it is their souls that are sick- not mine.  May Allah guide us all.


I visited Niagara Falls, Canada this year with my family after a baseball tournament in Cooperstown, New York (home of the baseball hall of fame.)

For this new year, I personally wish for some prosperity in my work, both monetary work and humanitarian efforts. I pray for health and happiness for my family and friends.  I pray for the oppressed inside my country, particularly black Americans, the sick, the poor and those out of work.  I pray that my country somehow finds a shift in its values, placing human lives above corporate interests … placing healthcare above tax breaks for the 1% rich and bringing morality back into the social framework to replace botox, fake everything and reality television.  I pray that Allah gives me the vision and the wherewithall to guide my children onto the correct path despite the moral degradation of the society in which we live.

I pray for Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq and anywhere and everywhere where there is poverty and oppression.  I pray that the lies that are accepted as truth are revealed for what they are and that the empty souls that consume these lies come back to life and accept the reality in which we live; for this can only make us stronger. I pray for my fellow U.S. citizens to live simpler lives, consuming less and caring for others more.

May 2016 bring you peace, love, happiness, joy, prosperity, equity and serenity, now and forever!




Love Me Without Restriction; Trust Me Without Fear; Want Me Without Demand; Accept Me For Who I Am. ~Unknown










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About the Author

About the Author: I'm a Writer, Speaker and Muslim Activist. I'm a former Board Member of the #MyJihad Public Education Campaign. Follow my blog at yasminareality.com or follow me on Twitter: @yasmina_reality. I'm also now on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YasminaReality Peace! .

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