Yasmina Reality

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I reject the two-party system of our current fantasy world

I reject the two-party system of our current fantasy world

One conviction I’ve had pretty much from the onset of my adulthood is rejection of the two-party system. I’m registered “democrat” but that doesn’t mean I am one. I even reject the label “independent” because it espouses in our culture an “anti-something” stance. In other words— shouldn’t independent thought be all of our default states?

What is astounding is the cult following of the GOP- because of the label- and also because “my grand daddy was a proud republican— therefore, so am I!” WTF does that even mean??

What did the GOP stand for when your grand daddy was voting?

What is the GOP today? 😮


Today— GOP stands for Gaslighting Obstruction Party. It is really just a label that many of these political players have chosen because running as a FASCIST would never get them elected. And because America for whatever reason is stuck with this mind-numbing and ridiculous “two-party” system that is shoved down our throats and has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution. It is a divide and conquer tactic is all it is. Oldest trick in the book And it is still working.

Choosing a side means you don’t have to think for yourself. You can let someone else do the thinking for you—— put that team’s color on— and go to work and not participate if you don’t feel like it.

When I criticise Trump and someone comes back with an argument about my girl Hillary— I want to laugh in their face. Who the hell said Hillary is my girl?

If anything- today’s DNC looks a lot like yesterday’s GOP with much more corruption. And today’s GOP looks a lot like Hitler. Both parties have zero caligones. To the majority of U.S. politicians sitting in office today—- I say loudly to you: GROW A PAIR.

The current politicians that have a semblance of caligones today— are WOMEN! I am no feminista— but I’m telling you—- women are our future for politics. Men and their testosterone have screwed things up royally— and create death and destruction for the weakest among us in the world. Women can be catty— but we are natural nurturers.

We don’t drop bombs on babies.

I am an Obama supporter- but I think his foreign policy sucked ass!! Wow- what a concept—– the ability to criticize the employee I helped elect to office. Seems the desperate GOP followers have zero ability to criticize their employees.

If you blindly agree one hundred percent with every single word and action of your leader- you are not a free thinker or critical thinker—- you are a cult member. You are a cultist. You live a cult mentality. There are no two ways to look at this. It is a fantasy world- not even steeped in reality. It’s like going to a place like Disney Land —- built around whatever twisted beliefs make you feel superior and strong and magical– and never leaving. Characters stay in costume and don’t get out of character— and you have bought a life-long admission and ride the roller coaster all day. Every day.

Living in a fantasy land gives the masses a false sense of security. “This country will never have concentration camps on our soil!” (Ummm— but we DO have them … )

At the same time— we are safer than the fear mongers get you to believe. They get you all riled up about terrorism. Newsflash— we live on an island away from the rest of the planet. We are isolated— and being terrorized from the inside by white men statistically speaking.

My political views have MUCH more nuance, fabric, depth, emotion and passion than the damn “democrat” or “republican” marketing campaign labels.

The only label I am remotely comfortable with is ‘progressive.’ Because as a human, I want progress in my life each day I am afforded another morning to wake up. I want progress for my kids- and for my country. And my religion is steeped in the concept of progress- not passivity— not whoa-is-me victimhood or the oppression of others.

One thing for certain in this country—- we are no different than many of the other oppressive countries around the world- in that we are being PLAYED LIKE A FIDDLE.

The Prophet Muhammad pbuh foretold of signs of the last day. A big one is when lies are accepted as truth and truth are accepted as lies. That is the era we are all living in right now. We will go down in history as people of the ERA OF FALSEHOODS. It seems everyone’s dignity at this point is really between himself and our Creator—— as nothing can be accepted at face value any longer. Spinning lies is not only commonplace—- it is “cool.” And intellect is uncool. Standing up for truth is uncool.

“I stay out of politics” is another way of saying—– it doesn’t affect me in the horrific, negative and terrible way it affects YOU — so I simply don’t care.

Politics IS our life. It decides if we live or die, get medical treatment or not, get an education or not, our incomes and our liberties. It determines everything in our everyday life. Politics is life.

Have a good day.


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About the Author

About the Author: I'm a Writer, Speaker and Muslim Activist. I'm a former Board Member of the #MyJihad Public Education Campaign. Follow my blog at yasminareality.com or follow me on Twitter: @yasmina_reality. I'm also now on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YasminaReality Peace! .

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