Yasmina Reality

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Independence Day – for some of us – 2019

Independence Day – for some of us – 2019

🇺🇸 It’s easy for people of any nationality to drift into a hypnotic sense of patriotism on a day like today. We have much to be thankful for and proud of — this is our homeland — but I will not gaslight myself either amidst the hoopla of the free rock concerts and fireworks displays. On this 4th, I will remain steadfast in the truth that this nation was built on the backs of immigrants and slaves. Slaves that survived the journies of their kidnappings, who were shackled and thrown onto boats and sold to white invaders of this native land. A history white-washed in our schoolbooks.

🇺🇸 On this 4th as I enjoy the day off, I will remember that every second of today, our current government is committing crimes against humanity at our southern border, dehumanizing our fellow human beings, breaking international law by not hearing their asylum cases and keeping them detained more than 72 hours in concentration camps, leaving them in what has been described as torture conditions. Torture. Where some have already died. And that this government kidnapped Latin babies who will likely never see their families again. Not in my name.

The bodies of Salvadoran migrant Oscar Alberto Martinez Ramirez and his nearly 2-year-old daughter Valeria drowned in the Rio Grande River. AP-Photo

🇺🇸 On this 4th, I will not be watching a fake president staging a tiny-hands, communist-style dictator parade with money he stole from all of us that was meant to enrich our national park services. Only God knows what is in each of our hearts on these matters– what each of us Americans truly feels about “pride and patriotism” inside the deepest wells of our souls. And for that, He will judge each of us. God will not judge us on our party affiliations– but on our morality. I have no desire to change you. I only have a desire to change myself- to never allow myself for a second to be enamored by dictators or flags or to falter against my human values. I only care what God knows is in my heart— and I WILL be an advocate for American values, what they are meant to be and what is right by my fellow man, no matter the color of his skin or the soil on which he was born. I know many join me in these feelings- and for that– I am grateful and still have hope in humanity.

🇺🇸 Happy and safe 4th everyone! As we celebrate our freedom—— just ask yourself how much you can enjoy your freedom if it’s at the expense of another’s. As the young Jewish American activists in Boston chanted this week — inspiring me and hopefully others— as they stood on the stairs of an ICE facility condemning the atrocities at our border, “Never again is now. We are not free—– until we are ALL free.” 🇺🇸

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About the Author

About the Author: I'm a Writer, Speaker and Muslim Activist. I'm a former Board Member of the #MyJihad Public Education Campaign. Follow my blog at yasminareality.com or follow me on Twitter: @yasmina_reality. I'm also now on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YasminaReality Peace! .

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