Yasmina Reality

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The System That Taunts

The System That Taunts

By on March 11, 2020 in #progressive, #vote, #wecare, politics

I was never a democrat or a republican. Have always been staunchly against the 2-party system my entire adult life. I’ve always known- even as a young adult and still awakening to the world around me that party labels are man-made cages that work against our very human nature to be curious and self-educated. These party labels are an unnatural way to create cult allegiance to systems which serve to stoke fears in order to fully exploit us, oppress us, control us. My lifelong disdain for the charade of the 2-party system has proven itself out in the open to be a dangerous assault against individualism, individual prosperity and our organic need as humans to reject servitude to conformity—servitude to a well-oiled system rigged against us and rigged against future generations.

Today, the entire structure literally mocks and scolds civically engaged American citizens for daring to participate in democracy. Today, the entire system, the corporatist lobbies and media, the 2-parties together, colludes against those whose backs they stand upon so they may collect the spoils of our ignorance and hard work to appropriate to just a few.  Their methods keep the masses weary from work;  pre-occupied with professional sports and fashions and the Kardashians; keep education, a birth right,  at arm’s length. A buffer is firmly in place between the system and the masses so that through our dollars or our minds, we cannot hold a candle to their span of control.

Standing up to the system and tearing it down is doable. History proves that dissension and mass unrest harnesses the ability to rip the reigns from the hands of those that have our feet chained in bondage. Standing up to the system is the only choice left for Americans. For many, it’s already too late.

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About the Author

About the Author: I'm a Writer, Speaker and Muslim Activist. I'm a former Board Member of the #MyJihad Public Education Campaign. Follow my blog at yasminareality.com or follow me on Twitter: @yasmina_reality. I'm also now on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YasminaReality Peace! .

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